Florentine Staunton (Oversized)
Florentine Staunton (Oversized)

This is an oversized version, with very nice detail.  There are a few anomalies and toolmarks in the bone, but this set is of collector quality.  It is one of only two which were made for Legend Products.  I find the thickness of the bishop's stem particularly attractive in this version.  The pawns also are larger, the size of the pieces in general make it a very appealing set for actual play.

The set comes with a presentation box which is functional, but far from the work of art the pieces themselves represent.  If you would like to add the Ultimate presentation box with this particular set we will give you a 25% discount on a combined purchase.

Additional Images
Style: Pre-Staunton
Materials: Bone
King Height: 4 1/8 inches
Weight: No additional weight
Price: $449.00
U.S. Shipping: $25.00

King 4 1/8" 0.11 lbs 1¼"
Queen 3 5/8" 0.1 lbs 1 1/8"
Bishop 2¾" 0.05 lbs 1 3/16"
Knight 2½" 0.04 lbs 1 1/16"
Rook 2 5/16" 0.06 lbs 1 1/16"
Pawn 2" 0.03 lbs 1 1/16"
Recommended Boards
(No boards recommended)

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